Monday, June 14, 2010

Instants from the past...

Hey, second post! Whoooooo! Okay, maybe I'm getting too excited but whatever, I don't care. I'm having so much fun blogging and what not. I was going to take outfit pictures today but I couldn't get my arse off the couch and go outside. Then I was going to take pictures of some animal rings I own, but again, I didn't want to move. So now I'm reduced to showing old pictures I took with my Diana F+ camera with instant film.

Here's two pictures I took of my miror. It is also the header of my blog. If you look closely you can see my reflection in the mirror.

So here is are two photos of my record player playing a Ra Ra Riot record, which is orange! Unfortunately when I recieved it it was scratched so I returned it and now it is long gone. At least I captured it in film! Behind the record is my awesome She & Him poster by the Small Stakes! (Two of my favorite things) Don't the blue and orange compliment eachother so nicely?

Now here is a picture of me in a fasinator. Oh, how I love vintage hats! I was at this thrift store on Saturday and wanted to buy all the hats in the store. Unfortunatley my older sister stopped me from buying any of them and told me I looked crazy in them. I know I looked cute so I'll sneak back (this time alone) and buy them all! This hat is actually not vintage but from Modcloth. It's as cute as heck anyways (though I look like one of the living dead in this picture).

Listening to : Gonna Get Along Without You Now by She & Him

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