Monday, August 1, 2011

Everyone Feels that Way Sometimes...

I feel like I've copped out.

 I've tried so very hard to keep my blog afloat, but I don't know if it's the right fit for me anymore. When I started my blog last spring, I was a completely different person. I was still in high school, still aspiring to be a doctor, and had a lot of spare time on my hands. I was able to put all of my effort and heart into establishing my blog and promoting it as well as finding subjects to actually write about. Now a days I'm working 7 hour days at work and I find I'm working on other pursuits during my free time. While at college I learned that I was actually a pretty good poet and joined a band thus those being my main pursuits now a days. I also want to work on my art and photography which I've been neglecting as of late. 

I don't know anymore. I've been so confused. I love fashion but I no longer feel like I can maintain a fashion blog. However, I still love blogging. So I'm still going to use my Tumblr to post things I like, and original poetry, art, music and photography. Here's the link

I don't know if this will be my last post, I hope not. 

Times I wish I were so small,
Invisible to the naked eye
Or maybe I should be so large,
So I could blend in with the sky.

To know it all would be too much,
But to know nothing would be a bore.
I catch myself acting one way,
But tomorrow I can be someone more.

Close my eyes, Wild Beasts in dreams,
My bed clothes tearing at the seams.
Which way does the tower lean?
Towards the wood! What does that mean?

-Catherine "The Girl in the Paper Dress"

Listening to: "Everyone Feel That Way Sometimes" by Computer Magic


  1. I know just how you feel, but if you still love blogging then maybe you just need to change the focus of your blog. You love your band and poetry - then blog about them as well as fashion.

    I started my blog last autumn as a fashion blog, but I've grown so much since then just writing about fashion is dull to me, so I've started writing more about my life, interior decorating, etc. Anything I love, really! It's so liberating and I've completely falling in love with blogging all over again because of it!

    If you've really outgrown your blog, then that's great! It's really awesome to grow up and find new things you love and new things to work at, but if you still want to blog then figure out what you want to blog about and try it. You've got nothing to loose. ;-)

    Oh, and don't forget to let me know how it goes!

  2. There came a time in my life that I feel the same way. Don't be confused, if you still love blogging there's nothing to worry. I'm sure people are going to follow you even if you pursue the topic poetry or photography, or whatever that you like. Good luck!
    -Samatha @ Donna Karan 2 button suits


Critiques, questions, and admiration is much obliged ♥

I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible